Agile process || JIRA Tool

Agile Scrum Process in a Nutshell | by Jose Lara | Medium

Agile process

 Most of the companies in industry use this agile process. 

  • It is a development process where developing and testing processes occur concurrently. 

  • The client or user can change their requirements through out the project.

  • In agile process the documentation part is very less


Agile scrum 


This is a framework for agile process. 
Roles in the agile scrum are,
Scrum master
product owner
Scrum team


In agile process we use jira, trello or any other tool to manage the task. JIRA is a Agile tool  developed by Australian company Atlassian.

This tool is used for 

  • Agile project management

  • Bug Tracking

  • Test management 


     Epics, User stories and task

    Epic- defines business requirement and this is a larger requirement

                Ex: Online banking

    User story- A smaller requirement and defines the customer needs. And it is a detailed requirement

                 Ex: As a user I want to login to that application

    Task-  Define the solution

                Ex: Review story , estimate story ,coding , testing

    Brief About The Issue Type In Jira


    Product backlog

How to Do Product Backlog Management Using Jira Software?



Why we use Atlassian JIRA at Seamgen | by Daniel Goldstein | UX and  Software development tips, how-to's, and trends | Medium


Learn how to use sprints in Jira Software | Atlassian

Using Active sprints | Jira Software Data Center and Server 8.14 | Atlassian  Documentation   

A Complete Tutorial for Beginners || JIRA Agile Test Management

For more details read following




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