
Showing posts from 2020

The digital divide

 The Digital Divide                  Once you met a person who can't use or even touched any ICT device/ Computers, do you laugh at their attempts. Even though you are not laughing they feel lack of confidence and they fear that others will laugh at their attempts. Some people who don't have proper economic back ground they can't buy  those devices as they are very expensive. In the modern world each and every individual should have education in ICT. Many of jobs require ICT skills. Then a gap creates between those who have ICT skills and who don't have. The gap between the people who have access to computer and who do not have is refers as DIGITAL DIVIDE            Fear of technology  Lack of motivation Economic Factors Cultural attitudes Social factors Geographical factors       Contribute to digital divide.                The dig...

Do you want to design a mobile app?

Do you want to design a mobile app? Then follow this UI/ UX Design guidelines To design a mobile app you should consider the following steps. 1. Research %3CmxGraphModel%3E%3Croot%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%220%22%2F%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%221%22%20parent%3D%220%22%2F%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%222%22%20value%3D%22%22%20style%3D%22rounded%3D0%3BwhiteSpace%3Dwrap%3Bhtml%3D1%3BgradientColor%3D%23d5739d%3BfillColor%3D%23e6d0de%3BstrokeColor%3D%23996185%3B%22%20vertex%3D%221%22%20parent%3D%221%22%3E%3CmxGeometry%20x%3D%2240%22%20y%3D%22160%22%20width%3D%2280%22%20height%3D%2280%22%20as%3D%22geometry%22%2F%3E%3C%2FmxCell%3E%3CmxCell%20id%3D%223%22%20value%3D%22%26lt%3Bb%26gt%3BResearch%26lt%3B%2Fb%26gt%3B%22%20style%3D%22text%3Bhtml%3D1%3BstrokeColor%3Dnone%3BfillColor%3Dnone%3Balign%3Dcenter%3BverticalAlign%3Dmiddle%3BwhiteSpace%3Dwrap%3Brounded%3D0%3B%22%20vertex%3D%221%22%20parent%3D%221%22%3E%3CmxGeometry%20x%3D%2260%22%20y%3D%22190%22%20width%3D%2240%22%20height%3D%2220%22%20as%3D%22geometry%22%2F%3E%3...